AMI Analyzer Manual
Analyzer Description
Analyzer Description
Basic description:
6. Analyzer without lid
The 210BR measures oxygen in a flammable (or inert) gas stream down to under 0.1%. It is approved for use
in hazardous areas when properly installed.
It consists of two major parts mounted on a common back plate. The enclosure on the right contains the
gas handling components including the oxygen sensor, and also the controls and analytical circuitry.
Optionally, it may also contain a heater for low temperature operation. The circuitry in this right hand
enclosure is “intrinsically safe”, meaning that it cannot cause ignition of any flammable gas mixture.
The enclosure on the left is explosion proof. It contains the power supplies, the alarm contacts and output
circuitry, the user connections, and the safety barriers for the intrinsically safe section.
The actual oxygen measurement is performed by an oxygen sensor located behind the cell cap on the front
of the right enclosure.