The rated input voltage matches the output voltage at your location. Please make sure the power wire
connection is secure before pressing the power on-off button.
Always use a stable current. If necessary, an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) is a good way to ensure
power stability.
Please follow the steps listed below to boot up the DVR:
Plug an Ethernet cable into your router/modem.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet Port of the DVR.
Plug the power adapter into a wall outlet.
Connect the power cable to the DVR.
4.1.2 Shut down
Click the logout button located on the main menu and select
Shut Down
Do not unplug the power cable or click the power on-off button to shut down the DVR directly when DVR is
running (especially when it is recording.)
4.2. DVR Initialization
In this screen you will be able to enable DVR initialization features. These are basic features related to the system,
such as password setups, recovery settings, etc.