The alarm input signal is not correctly configured.
There are two loops connected to one alarm DVR.
19. The camera is not recording enough video.
Below are a few possible reasons why this may be occurring:
The hard drive's capacity is not enough.
The hard drive is damaged.
20. Downloaded files cannot be played back.
Below are a few possible reasons why this may be occurring:
The media player software on the PC may not be able to read the file format.
The PC may not have DirectX 8.1 or higher.
The PC may not have Windows XP or higher.
To contact Amcrest support, please do one of the following:
and use the email form
Call Amcrest Support using one of the following numbers Toll Free: (888) 212-7538
International Callers (Outside of US): +1-713-893-8956
USA: 713-893-8956
Canada: 437-888-0177
UK: 203-769-2757
Email Amcrest Customer Support
When I login via HTTPS, a dialogue says the certificate has expired or is not valid yet.
Ensure the PC has the same time as the DVR's system time.