Blend Move Programming (continued)
Programming Routine (continued)
6) The SD17060E detects that the Program Blend Move Segment bit is reset, and sets the Transmit
Blend Move Segment bit to signal that it is ready to accept data fro the next segment.
7) Steps 3 to 6 are repeated for the remaining segments until the entire blend move profile has been
entered. The maximum number of segments per profile is 16.
8) After the last segment has been transferred, the host exits Blend Move Programming Mode by
resetting the Program Blend Move bit.
9) The SD17060E resets the Blend Move Program Mode bit and the Transmit Blend Move Segment bit.
AMCI has posted a sample CompactLogix program on our website. It includes the code necessary to pro-
gram a Blend Move profile.
The direct link to the website page was when this manual was
written. The link to download the sample program for RSLogix 5000 is called “SD17060E”.
Controlling Moves In Progress
The SD17060E has the ability to place a running move on hold and later resume the move if an error has not
occurred while the move was in its Hold state. One potential application for this ability is bringing a move to
a controlled stop when your controller senses an end-of-stock condition. The move can be put in its Hold
state until the stock is replenished and then the move can be resumed.
Note that you do not have to resume a move once it has been placed in its Hold state. You can place a move
in its Hold state to prematurely end the move with a controlled stop and issue a new move from the stopped
The figure below shows a profile of a move that is placed in its Hold state and later resumed.
Figure 2.14 Hold/Resume a Move Profile
Find Home Moves
A Find Home command can be placed in a Hold state but cannot be resumed. This give you the ability to
bring a Find Home command to a controlled stop if an error condition occurs.
Manual Moves
Manual Moves can be placed in a Hold state and resumed if error conditions, such as programming errors,
have not occurred. New Acceleration, Deceleration, and Programmed Speed parameters can be written to the
SD17060E while a Manual Move is in its hold state. If these parameters are accepted without error, the move
can be resumed and it will use the new parameter values.
Starting Speed
Programmed Speed
Hold Bit
Position Held for a length of time.
Move resumes when Resume Bit activates.