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Released: Nov.2013
These modules contain moisture sensitive components.
Care for further processing should be taken according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033.
Because there is no safety implemented in this module the used power source must comply
with clause 2.5 in EN 60950-1.
14 Factory-reset
After a Factory Reset the speed of the serial interface is set back to 9600 8n1
! Ensure to
have a suitable and stable power source.
14.1 Reset by command
By the command CMD_FACTORYRESET_REQ the user parameters may be reset to the
default settings. Functional communication via serial interface is a prerequisite.
14.2 Reset via pin-configuration
For this procedure of the power-up reset of the module the pins MOD_SEL0, MOD_SEL1,
MOD_SEL2 as well as MOD_SEL3 must be connected with VCC.
If the reset is successful the pin RX_IND toggles 3 times and the module is operational. In the
event of an error the pin TX_IND will toggle 3 times.
14.3 Reset by UART-Sequence
A factory reset may also be conducted via UART by means of a special sequence. Here the
baud rate of 9600 baud and the data format 8E1 (even parity) must be used.
1. During the power-up reset URXD must be pulled low by the host
2. If the module recognises the break signal during power-up it returns the value 0x80
3. If now the code 0x93 is returned to the module within 50 ms, the user parameters are
4. The module acknowledges the reset process by a renewed transmission of code 0x80
5. By the code 0x9F the module may subsequently be restarted again.