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Released: Nov.2013
8.19 MBUS_RXTimeout
By means of this parameter, it is possible to configure the time in ms for which the module is to
remain in the RX mode after transmitting data before it enters the sleep mode. This parameter
is effective in all operating modes. If the parameter contains the value 0x00h, no timeout is
RX timeout disabled
> 0x00
RX timeout in ms
Table 9:
Parameter MBUS_RXTimeout
8.20 MBUS_FrameFormat
This parameter is only used in „user specific mode“
as well
as in the C-modes.
The frame format can be set by this parameter.
„Format A“
„Format B“
Table 10
Parameter MBUS_FrameFormat
If this parameter is
set to „undefined“ both formats are accepted during reception. For
transmission the frame format of the previously received package is used.
If no package has been received yet the „format A“ is used.
8.21 MBUS_Bl_ADD_Disable
If the value is set to 0x00,
then Block 1 of the module will be inserted automatically and therefore does not need to
be inserted by the host via serial interface (see Figure 1)
An address comparison (M- and A-field) takes place upon reception of a wM-Bus
telegram via radio. If the comparison is successful then the output of the telegram takes
place according to Figure 5. (M- and A-fields are filtered)
If this value is set to 0x01, then block 1 of the module
is inserted again (the content for C-, M-, and A-fields have to be transmitted vie the serial
interface by the host, see Figure 2)
is checked during reception (and therefore is transmitted unmodified via the serial
interface, see Figure 4)