<URL> http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B99999999A.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg
<Height Units="pixels">140</Height>
<Width Units="pixels">140</Width>
These images are small and medium size images of the same child variation. For more information about
image sets and variation images, see
Motivating Customers to Buy (p. 105)
Variation Dimensions
Variations can differ from one another in a variety of ways. Size and color are common ways for apparel
variations to differ. The ways in which variations differ are called dimensions. Parent variations relay that
information with the following response elements:
• VariationDimensions
• VariationDimension
The values encapsulated by these elements in the parent variation response specify the variation
dimensions for the child variations, for example:
The following response snippet from one of the associated child variations shows that the dimensions
specified in the parent variation are used as variation attributes in the child variation.
<Value>29W x 30L</Value>
Some items for sale have associated accessories. For example, a camera might have, as accessories,
a camera case, flash card, and battery, as shown in the following figure.
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide