Notice that the merchants are selling the same book for different prices. In other examples, the same
item might be offered in multiple conditions, such as New and Used.
Any item being sold is associated with an offer. An offer is a combination of price, condition, and vendor.
For example, one offer might be Amazon selling the new book for $11.67. Therefore, to find an item's
price, you return the offers made by the vendors selling the item.
Offer information is made available by the OfferSummary, Offers, and OfferFull response groups, which
can be part of
, and
Some manufacturers have a minimum advertised price (MAP) that can be displayed on Amazon’s
retail web site. When performing an ItemSearch or ItemLookup operation in these cases, the
string "Too Low to Display" is returned instead of the actual price. The only way to see the actual
price is to add the item to a remote shopping cart and follow the
Offer Summaries
The OfferSummary response group returns summary information about offers, including:
• Total number of offers per condition
• Lowest price per condition
For example, the following response snippet shows the lowest prices for an item in New and Used
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
Returning Prices