Other Operations
The remaining operations cover a variety of functions.
Product Advertising
API Operation
Amazon uses browse nodes as a means of organizing the millions of items in
their inventory. One browse node, for example, might be "Carving Knives." All
items associated with this browse node would have something to do with
carving knives. This browse node might be the child of a more general browse
node, "Cutlery."
enables you to find a browse node, its
ancestors and progeny.
Product Advertising API Developer Community
There are many people developing applications using the Product Advertising API. That means that there
is a wealth of knowledgeable people who can help you with questions you might have. To connect with
other Product Advertising API developers, go to the Product Advertising API Developer Forum at
Visual Introduction to Product Advertising API
Tools to Find Items (p. 28)
Tools to Find Out More About an Item (p. 29)
Tools to Implement a Shopping Cart (p. 30)
The previous chapter gave an overview of all Product Advertising API operations. Sometimes it is helpful
to see them in action. Product Advertising API functionality is implemented on www.amazon.com. This
chapter provides a series of screenshots from www.amazon.com. The parts of the web pages that
demonstrate Product Advertising API functionality are labeled.
The labels show three kinds of implementations:
• Operations
• Response groups
• Elements in the response
Product Advertising API only provides data; it does not provide HTML. 'We show one way of displaying
Product Advertising API on our retail web site, www.amazon.com. You might find a better way.
Tools to Find Items
Typically, the first task a customer undertakes is searching for an item. The following web page from
www.amazon.com shows the implementation of this task using, in particular,
and ItemLookup
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
Product Advertising API Developer Community