<Height Units="pixels">48</Height>
<Width Units="pixels">60</Width>
<Height Units="pixels">120</Height>
<Width Units="pixels">150</Width>
<Height Units="pixels">400</Height>
<Width Units="pixels">500</Width>
VariationMatrix Response Group
The VariationMatrix response group returns, for a given parent ASIN, the variation dimension name and
value of each child ASIN. If a returned item does not have variations, the VariationMatrix response group
will not return any data. For example, rings vary by ring size. RingSize, therefore, is the dimension related
to this item. The VariationMatrix response group would only return, in this example, <RingSize> elements.
The VariationMatrix response group returns nothing if the returned items do not have variations. For more
information, see,
Returning Variation Dimension Information Only (p. 42)
Relevant Operations
Operations that can use this response group include:
ItemLookup (p. 189)
ItemSearch (p. 196)
Response Elements
The following table describes the elements returned by VariationMatrix.
ClothingSize (p. 299)
Color (p. 299)
HardwarePlatform (p. 302)
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
VariationMatrix Response Group