&Signature=[Request Signature]
Product Advertising API returns the following error:
<Message>Your request is missing required parameters. Required parameters
include SearchIndex.
Product Advertising API believes that the request is missing the SearchIndex parameter just because
the "I" was not capitalized in the parameter name.
In the sample response, notice that the error consists of an error code that identifies the error, and an
error message that describes the error. The error messages is in the language of the locale.
For a detailed list of error codes and messages, see
Error Codes and Messages (p. 152)
section of the
API Reference.
Processing Error
Is it possible to submit a valid request and still have an error? Yes. If you were to submit a request and
no items in Amazon satisfied the request, you would receive an error. The following request is an example
of this problem.
[AWS Access Key ID]
&Signature=[Request Signature]
The following response snippet shows the error.
<Message>We did not find any matches for your request.
Looking for a refurbished edition of a Harry Potter book in the Automotive section doesn't make much
sense. So, it's not surprising that there were no items that satisfied that request. Similar problems can
be much more subtle, however. For example, the default value of Condition is "New." In part, this is
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
Syntax and Parameter Errors