&Signature=[Request Signature]
the following similar item was returned:
<Title>Minor Move</Title>
You can use the information in this response to display the titles of similar items. If you want to display
more information about the similar items, use the ASIN returned in a new
request and
specify an appropriate response group, such as ItemAttributes.
Returning Items Similar to Cart Items
Customers demonstrate their interest in an item by putting it in their shopping cart. Showing customers
similar items to what they already have in their cart is a good way to spur add-on sales.
The CartSimilarities response group, which works with most cart operations, returns items that are similar
to the ones included in the cart request. Items are returned based on:
• Similarity—Items are similar to the one purchased
• Items viewed—Customers who viewed the item in the cart also viewed the items returned by this
response group
• Similar items—Similar items in other product categories
Each of these similarity types have their own element tag: <SimilarProduct>, <SimilarViewedProduct>,
and <OtherCategoriesSimilarProduct>, respectively, as shown.
[AWS Access Key ID]
&Signature=[Request Signature]
This request produces the following response snippet.
<Title>Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Widescreen Edition)(Harry
Potter 2)</Title>
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
Suggesting Similar Items to Buy