• If you want to find only items sold by Amazon, set the MerchantId parameter to "Amazon". (Note:
Amazon sells only new items).
• The
parameter searches for word matches in an item's title and description. If you know a
word is part of the title of an item, use the Title parameter because, in this case, it often returns fewer
but more accurate results than the Keywords parameter.
• To use Boolean values, such as AND, NOT, or OR, in an
request, use the Power
parameter. You can create relatively sophisticated search criteria using this parameter. For more
information, see
ItemSearch (p. 196)
Finding Items Using Browse Nodes
Traversing the Browse Node Hierarchy (p. 102)
Finding a Node to Start Your Search (p. 103)
Understanding BrowseNode Results When Drilling Down (p. 104)
Browse nodes (p. 32)
form an organizational hierarchy in which Amazon places items for sale. As the
name suggests, the hierarchy of nodes is designed to ease and speed up the task of browsing through
all of the items for sale. Zero or more items for sale are associated with each browse node.
Each browse node has an ID, which is a positive integer, and a name. All items associated with a node
have something to do with the name of the node. For example, a node whose name is "Books about
Ancient Greece," would be books whose subject is ancient Greece.
This hierarchy of nodes is dynamic as are the items associated with each node., that is, items can be
associated and disassociated with browse nodes at any time, and nodes themselves can either be added
to, subtracted from, or moved within the node hierarchy.
The value of the hierarchy is that it groups similar items and relates items in an intuitive way. As you
progress down the hierarchy, you progress from parent to child nodes where child nodes are subsets of
the parent node's product category, as shown in the following figure.
As you can see in this figure, as you go down the hierarchy, you refine then number of items that can be
returned. In this very small, representative sample of the browse node hierarchy, the Shoes category has
as a subset, Women's Shoes. It has two child nodes, Boots and Sneakers.
API Version 2011-08-01
Product Advertising API Developer Guide
Finding Items Using Browse Nodes