MG3 Hot Bar
General Information
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General Information
Information about safety regulations, usage location conditions,
copyrights, protection rights, symbols, and notes on resistance
welding can be found in the annex of the operating instructions.
Please read this information carefully before using this unit.
operating instructions
shall help you to familiarize yourself with the
unit and take advantage of its application possibilities when used as directed.
The operating instructions contain important notes to help operate the unit
safely, properly, and economically.
Observing the notes will help avoid risks, decrease repair costs and down
times, and enhance reliability and the service life of the unit.
The operating instructions should
be accessible at the unit operating
site. It should be read, understood and utilized by any person assigned to
work on or with the unit. This applies in particular to the notes on safety,
notes concerning safety regulations as well as safety and warning notes.
The fundamental principle applies
Safety first!
Always carry out a function test before the first weld!
Do not operate the unit before reading these operating instructions!
Copyrights, Proprietary Rights
The copyright of these operating instructions remains the property of our
These operating instructions are only meant for the internal use of the
operator of resistance welding units (hereafter called “unit”) and his/her
It contains descriptions, technical drawings, regulations and instructions
which should not be copied, distributed, passed on to others or use without
permission for competitive purposes, whether completely or in part. In the
event of competitors endeavoring to see these operating instructions, we
expect the same fairness from you that you, in turn, would expect from your
customers in such cases.
All rights are reserved, particularly in cases of patent granting or other
registrations. We reserve the right to make technical alterations.