ALUVISION > Clemence Dosschestraat 44 > 9800 Deinze, Belgium > T: +32 (0)9 381 54 70 > [email protected] > www.aluvision.com
Novastar website
Visit the Novastar website -
- to retreive extra and more detailed information on their products
(controllers, sending and receiving cards, calibration…). Also a lot of files are available for download: user
manuals, product specifications, firmware, software… In addition, they offer support and trainings for their
0.3.5 Laptop/PC
Windows system laptop
or PC
is required for LED display configuration
using an MCTRL300 controller and also for a complex configuration using an
MCTRL660. Basic configuration for an MCTRL660 controller can be done with
the device itself.
As already mentioned in the ‘hardware’ part of this manual. A laptop/PC can also be used as a media
player. Depending on if you prepared a pixel-to-pixel video or not, choose the correct instructions and
follow the steps:
Pixel to pixel video:
1. Connect the computer to the controller with a DVI or HDMI cable
2. Open the computer’s ‘
Screen Configuration
’ settings
3. The LED screen should be recognized as a second screen
4. Set the second screen as a duplicate of the first one
5. If possible set the ‘
Screen Resolution
’ to ‘
1920 x 1080px
’, otherwise keep the recommended setting
or choose at least a resolution with a 16:9 ratio.
6. (A part of) the computer screen is shown on the LED screen (starting from the top left)
7. Play the pixel to pixel video in full screen mode
8. If necessary, move the video to the correct position using the coordinates function in the NovaLCT
software or the controller (first connect PC with controller using an USB cable)