ALUVISION > Clemence Dosschestraat 44 > 9800 Deinze, Belgium > T: +32 (0)9 381 54 70 > [email protected] > www.aluvision.com
To prepare a pixel to pixel video (according pixelmap), make sure only the LED tile video remains. The
result is a video consisting of 7 squares (176 x 176 pixels or 192 x 192 pixels) each of them representing
a cabinet,
positioned in the same way the cabinets are
. Also the gaps have the same resolution as the
squares and represent a blank cabinet.
02.3 Video file export settings
Take following settings in mind when exporting the video file:
.mp4 (Other formats possible depending on media player)
1920 x 1080 (4K: 3840 x 2160)
H.264/H.265 (Other codecs possible depending on media player)
Frame rate:
25/50fps (Europe) – 30/60fps (US)
Field order:
02.4 BrightAuthor
To play back the video properly using a BrightSign media player, some extra steps are required. After
exporting the video file, it also needs to be published. To publish the video you can make use of the free
software offered by BrightSign:
. The files that are created by publishing have to be copied
on a micro-SD card which is inserted in the BrightSign media player.