1. Connect the 4 FLOOR RISERS
Your existing floor will serve as the floor for your
sauna. The pre
fabricated rails and risers will be
placed on your existing floor and provide the
structural support for the sauna room.The 4 floor
risers are pre
drilled and are assembled with 2”
screws. Use a square to be sure the assembled
frame is square.
Be sure your surface is flat before you
begin assembly.
Assemble floor riser
2. Position the WALL SUPPORT RAILS
Place the 4 wall support rails with the groove fac-
ing up on top of the assembled floor riser.
Using 2” screws, Draw the corners tight by angle
screwing the corners together.
One side of each rail is pre
drilled. After
lining up the rails and prior to screwing them to-
gether, it is suggested that you pre
drill through
the factory
drilled pilot hole into the second rail
using a 1/8” drill bit. Drill about 1” into the sec-
ond rail. This will prevent the possibility of strip
ping or breaking the screw.
Position wall support rails
Using 2” screws, attach the support rails to the
floor riser; be sure that the groove is facing up.
Use 4 screws for each rail.
The combined riser and rails is now called the
wall support section.
Fasten wall support rails to floor riser
screw corners to draw tight