Shock Mitigating Pedestal
Operation & Service Manual
This document and its contents are proprietary and confidential to Allsalt Maritime or its subsidiaries and
affiliates. Neither this document, nor any part of it may be disclosed or conveyed to, used or copied by or for any
third party without the prior written consent of Allsalt Maritime all rights reserved.
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The following products are recommended for cleaning your
• Upholstery (if applicable) –
303® Aerospace Protectant™
• All other components – wet rag with mild soap detergent
Regular application of a corrosion-inhibiting product such as
Rust Check
for stainless steel
components and fasteners may be desired to protect these against harsh marine environments.
Isolator Troubleshooting
Use the flowchart below to troubleshoot when an issue is suspected with your isolator.
Fill your isolator to 2-4 psi above your desired pressure to account for some pressure loss when
disconnecting, unless using a lossless type connector.