Shock Mitigating Pedestal
Operation & Service Manual
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R-05 / Jan 2021 / 1 of 2
Pedestal Trouble Shooting
Pedestal has developed a noticeable squeak during vertical motion.
Under certain circumstances some users have experienced squeaking when the
pedestal operates. Allsalt Engineering staff have investigated the cause of this sound
and have identified no negative impact on the performance or longevity of the
pedestal. It does not denote a seized component or accelerated wear of parts and is
not a cause for concern.
A lubricant can be applied to the inside of the pedestal to eliminate this squeak and
has been laboratory tested to be effective for up to 350,000 cycles.
Please follow the procedure outlines in
CST-TB-0001 – Technical Bulletin Pedestal
Squeak R-01
for details on how to properly apply the lubricant in the event of a squeak