Shock Mitigating Pedestal
Operation & Service Manual
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R-05 / Jan 2021 / 1 of 2
Mounting Flange Torque Procedure
mounting flange
of your shock
mitigating pedestal is shipped installed
in the lowest position available. This
torque procedure
must be followed
loosening the fasteners to adjust the
position* of the mounting flange.
Following the numbered sequence
(left), tighten the middle bolts:
1) Hand-tight
2) ½ required torque
3) Full required torque
Tighten all remaining fasteners by
hand, then apply the full required torque
to all fasteners.
All fasteners must be torqued and
checked until applying torque no longer
tightens any fasteners more than 1/16
of a tu
Required torque for S/N starting with X403B18:
120 inch-pounds (13.5 N m)
Required torque for all other Serial Numbers:
78 inch-pounds (9.0 N m)
: Do not adjust the mounting flange all the way up the Base tube such that it is
covering the slot openings at the top of the tube.