Ingress Rate Limit Config for Buckets
To limit the traffic rate for specified port(s), click the Ingress Rate Limit Config for Bucket0 or
Ingress Rate Limit Config for Bucket1 button in the
Rate Control
page to open the page for
configuring the ingress rate limit for Bucket0 or Bucket1 respectively.
The Ingress Rate Limit Config for Bucket 0 page is shown below:
The field
Ingress Rate(1-125)
is an integer that increments/decrements the ingress rate at a given
port and must be specified on a per port basis. After you enter the
Ingress Rate(1-125)
value, the
rate percent field will automatically update to the rate value as a percentage. The page shown above
displays this feature. Ingress rate value and its calculated percentage of rate for each port.
(e. g. ingress rate value 125 = 100%, 50 = 40%)
Remember to click the Apply button to activate the settings.