Allied Construction Products, LLC
TM102783_BreakerLube CML_15jul
4.0 Product Description and Operation
4.1 BreakerLube Description and Application
Fig. 4-1 Configured with Single Pump & Lube Line. Breaker Shown with Single Lube Passage to Both Bushings
The BreakerLube CML Series is an electrically
operated grease dispensing pump. It is designed for
mounting on mobile construction vehicles and offers
a simple, effective and inexpensive method for
lubricating the bushing and tool. The fully automated
system eliminates the need to stop production to
manually lubricate the bushing and tool.
4.1.1 Benefits of BreakerLube
The BreakerLube offers the following benefits:
Increased uptime and overall productivity of the
Breaker, while reducing costs related to
downtime as in the course of stopping work to
manually grease the tool.
Safety is improved as operators are not required
to lubricate in hazardous areas
Increase service life of components. Lubrication
occurs while the breaker is in operation, when it
is of the most benefit
Will dispense the precise amount to maintain
sufficient lubrication while reducing costs from
excessive consumption with less waste and
environmental pollution.
With proper delivery, the constant replenishment
of grease flushes dust from bushings and seals
against entry.
Prevents down time and expensive repairs to
replace damaged parts caused when manual
greasing schedules are missed.
Prevents seal damage resulting from improper
grease methods. Grease is dispensed only when
breaker is operating.
Features of BreakerLube Include:
Compact size occupies less space. Mounts easily
to large and medium-size carriers
Proven reliability from simple design, with few
moving parts
Heavy-duty motor available in 12 or 24VDC.
Available with 1 or 2 gallon reservoir
Low-level control monitors grease level in
reservoir and activates if below ‘MIN’ mark