Document history and conventions
Manta Technical Manual V8.0.1
Initial commercial release: Manta G-033 series
Sony ICX414 CCD sensor
Specifications, absolute QE, spectral response, ROI frame rate,
camera lens information, and image data flow
Initial commercial release: Manta G-504 series
Sony ICX655 CCD sensor
Specifications, absolute QE, spectral response, ROI frame rate,
camera lens information, and image data flow
Added note that description of status LEDs can be found in Manta
Hardware Installation Guide.
Changed file format from Adobe FrameMaker FM7 to FM9
Initial commercial release: Manta G-046 series
Sony ICX415 CCD sensor
Specifications, absolute QE, spectral response, ROI frame rate,
camera lens information, and image data flow
Initial commercial release: Manta G-145 series
Sony ICX285 CCD sensor
Specifications, absolute QE, spectral response, ROI frame rate,
camera lens information, and image data flow
Initial commercial release: Manta G-146 series
Sony ICX267 CCD sensor
Specifications, absolute QE, spectral response, ROI frame rate,
camera lens information, and image data flow
Initial commercial release: Manta G-201 series
Sony ICX274 CCD sensor
Specifications, absolute QE, spectral response, ROI frame rate,
camera lens information, and image data flow
Added spectral sensitivity note
Added image memory size table
With the new firmware version 01.40, due to a bug all Manta models
have only 12-bit in the image data flow (even if the ADC delivers 14-bit).
Due to a repaired bug in FPGA and microcontroller, the
changed: Manta G-032 series from 49 frames
to 99 frames, Manta G-125 series from 12 frames to 25 frames.
are not supported
Manta board level cameras have now a cooling plate.
New manual release status
Document updates
Table 2: Document history (sheet 10 of 10)