Goldeye Technical Manual
T=1 : Show sensor temperature warning state.
| |
| +--a : Sensor temperature warning state (this bit
| is only valid for cameras with peltier
| temperature stabilization like e.g. IRC-300,
| IRC-320, IRC-600, NIR-300P, NIR-600P;
| Pearleye P-007/030, Goldeye (CL/P)-008 SWIR
| Cool, Goldeye (CL/P)-032 SWIR Cool).
| 0 -> The sensor temperature is OK.
| 1 -> The sensor temperature is outside the
| optimum range. This can result in a
| negative influence on the image
| quality. Please ensure that the
| temperature of the camera housing is
| inside the specified range.
+-------b : PLL state.
0 -> PLL is locked.
1 -> PLL is not locked. This should never
occur under normal circumstances.
T=2 : Query camera's internal temperature value (IRC-320/600,
Pearleye P-007/030 only).
||| \____________|
||| +--a : Temperature in 1 / 16 °C (two's
||| complement).
||+------------------b : Result of LAST temperature
|| measurement attempt.
|| 0 -> Unsuccessful (if "c" is 1, the
|| value "a" is valid anyway,
|| but contains old data from the
|| last successful conversion).
|| 1 -> Successful.
|+-------------------c : 0 -> The content of "a" is invalid.
| 1 -> The content of "a" is valid.
+--------------------d : Continuous temperature measurement
is enabled (mirrors bit "i" in
parameter h).