PIKE Technical Manual
Example 2: More than one PIKE camera at full speed
Due to the fact that one Pike camera can, depending on its settings, saturate
a 32-bit PCI bus, you are advised to use either a PCI Express card and/or mul-
tiple 64-bit PCI bus cards, if you want to use 2 or more Pike cameras simul-
taneously (see the following table).
All data are calculated using Raw8 / Mono8 color mode.
Higher bit depths or color modes will double or triple band-
width requirements.
# cameras
PC hardware required
1 Pike camera at full speed
1 x 32-bit PCI bus card (85 MByte/s)
2 or more Pike cameras at full speed PCI Express card and/or
Multiple 64-bit PCI bus cards
Table 7: Required hardware for multiple camera applications