Controlling image capture
PIKE Technical Manual
In this case the camera can resynchronize the horizontal clock to the new
trigger event, leaving only a very short uncertainty time of the master clock
Exposure start jitter
(while FVal)
Exposure start jitter
(while camera idle)
Pike F-032
4.9 µs
375 ns
Pike F-100
8.2 µs
1.65 µs
Pike F-145
16 µs
2.9 µs
Pike F-145-15fps
30 µs
5.4 µs
Pike F-210
14.25 µs
1.8 µs
Pike F-421
15 µs
1.65 µs
Pike F-505
17 µs
5.7 µs
Pike F-1100
single tap:
141 µs
dual tap:
74.5 µs
7.64 µs
(dual tap)
Pike F-1600
single tap:
177 µs
dual tap:
95.7 µs
13.6 µs
(dual tap)
Table 70: Jitter at exposure start (no binning, no sub-sampling)
Jitter at the beginning of an exposure has no effect on
the length of exposure, i.e. it is always constant.