Publication 1794-6.5.11 - November 1997
Writing Configuration to and Reading Status from Your Module with a Remote I/O Adapter
Word 3
Bit 12 (14)
Invert Select – Frequency Input (channel 0) – Selects whether to invert the Frequency input signal, if not using an Active
High (24V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Open” relay or switch contact on the 24 Vdc Frequency Input
terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Closed” relay contact on
the 24 Vdc Frequency Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On),
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On).
Default = 0 – Normal (Active High, 24V = On)
Bit 13 (15)
Invert Select – Gate Input (channel 0)
Selects whether to invert the Gate input signal, if not using an Active High (24V =
On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Open” relay or switch contact on the 24 Vdc Gate Input terminal. Allows
compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Closed” relay contact on the 24 Vdc Gate
Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On),
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On)
= 0 – Normal (Active High, 24V = On)
Bit 14 (16)
Wire Off Fault Select – Frequency Input (channel 0) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24 Vdc Frequency input IEC 1+
hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. NOTE: Customer devices must draw more than 0.4 mA in the On and Off
State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a “shunt resistor” (
50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable,
1 = Enable
: = 0 – Disable
Bit 15 (17)
Wire Off Fault Select – Gate Input (channel 0) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24 Vdc Gate input IEC 1+ hardware
Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. NOTE: Customer devices must draw more than.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use
this feature with relays or switches, connect a “shunt resistor” (
50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable,
1 = Enable
= 0 – Disable
Word 4
Bits 00-15
Maximum frequency or absolute value acceleration/deceleration (channel 1) – Specifies the highest Frequency or
absolute Acceleration/Deceleration value allowed on the Frequency input. 0-32,767, 0.0-3,276.7Hz.
depending on the Frequency Range and Frequency/Acceleration Alarm Select bits.
Word 5
Bits 00-07
Frequency scaling multiplier (channel 1) – Specifies a multiplier to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling multiplication performed (x1)
Bits 08-15
Frequency scaling divisor (channel 1) – Specifies divisor to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling division performed (divided by 1)