Alienware Sentia 3450 Technical Reference
Chapter 4: Drivers & Utilities
This chapter deals with installing the drivers and utili¬ties essential to the operation
or improvement of some of the computer’s subsystems. The system takes ad¬vantage
of some newer hardware components for which the latest versions of most available
operating systems haven’t built in drivers and utilities. Thus, some of the system
components won’t be auto-config-ured with an appropriate driver or utility during
oper¬ating system installation. Instead, you need to manually install some system-
required drivers and utilities.The following operating system is covered.
• Windows XP Professional and Home Editions (with Service Pack 2)
What to Install
The Device Drivers & Uti User’s Manual CDROM contains the drivers and utilities
necessary for the proper operation of the computer. The drivers for all the modules
(WLAN, Bluetooth, PC Camera and TV Tuner) are on the separate CD-ROMs supplied.
Table 4 - 1 on page 4 - 6 lists what you need to install manually according to your
choice of the operating system, and it is very important that the drivers are installed in
the order indicated.
Module Driver Installation
The procedures for installing drivers for the Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, TV Tuner, PC
Camera and RAID modules are provided in “Modules”. Make sure that the drivers are
installed in the order in¬dicated in Table 4 - 1.