Alienware Sentia 3450 Technical Reference
Auto Mail Checker
After you have installed the driver for the Auto Mail Checker program you may then
configure it to give you notification when you receive new mail. You must be online to
receive this notification (note that this program only supports the POP3 protocol), and
your default mail program does not need to be open.
The Auto Mail Checker appears as an icon in the taskbar (if you do not see the
icon in the taskbar go to Start > Programs/All Programs > Auto Mail Checker >
Auto Mail Checker). Right clicking on the icon will bring up the following options
menu. If you have not input your mail account data, then you will be prompted to do
Select Open to bring up the control panel for the program.
You may then configure the options for your mailserver, name, password, program and
method(s) of notification.
Figure 2 - 7 Auto Mail Checker Account Setup and Options
Note: Check with your Internet Service Provider, network administrator or Mail Service
provider for details on what to put on these pages.