Tank Monitor System
SER 340074-A
Alemite, LLC
Revision (9-05)
Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a list of questions that may arise
during the operation of the tank monitor system.
1. Sometimes the 1234 password does not work. What
did I do wrong?
Be sure a dashed lined box appears within the
number box. The dashed box indicates that the
number is selected.
2. When should I change the Baud rate?
Select the lower rate anytime the system experiences
communication difficulties at the higher rate. This
change is for a modem connection only. The 19200
baud rate must be set for a direct connection.
3. Sometimes the system starts making additional calls
after the programmed scheduled call. Is this normal?
If a scheduled data collection was unsuccessful, the
system makes up to eight (8) attempts before
resuming the normal call interval.
4. Sometimes the system displays Dialing 3 Station 1.
What is this?
The system is attempting a follow-up call because of
unsuccessful data collection, or a busy line. It
displays each attempt number from 1 to 8. It
resumes the normal schedule after the eighth
5. When the software freezes, what should I do?
Press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys together to end the
task. It may need to be done twice. Wait a few
seconds, then reopen the system. Check the
Configuration screen to see if the start time is OK.
Exit the screen and check the box adjacent to the
green field entitled Start Scheduled Callings to
6. How do I view the Communication Log (Logging
The Logging file is located in the folder entitled
Bigview and is named Comm.log or Comm.txt.
Double right-click the file to open in Notepad or
WordPad (size dependent).
7. I uncheck the Start Scheduled Callings box and
nothing happens. Do I need to do something else?
No. The system is communicating with the
Controller and processing data. Once complete, the
red field will turn green and the system will then no
longer be active.
8. If I uncheck the Start Scheduled Callings box, what
happens when I recheck the box after missing some
scheduled calls?
The system takes the level readings for all the
missed calls in succession for that day.
Changes Since Last Printing
Added Spanish and French