SER 340074-A
Tank Monitor System
Revision (9-05)
Alemite, LLC
Tank Length, Width, and Height
45. Enter the values for the chosen unit of measure.
46. Press the Enter key after the completion of each field.
• The field highlights in yellow.
Product Type
47. Select the drop-down menu and highlight the type of
product in the tank.
N O T E : T h e o p e n f i e l d be l o w i s u s e r -
48. Press the Enter key.
• The field highlights in yellow.
Specific Gravity
49. Enter the specific gravity of the product*.
The default Specific Gravities are approximate values.
Entering the product's actual Specific Gravity will result in
a more accurate tank level reading.
50. Press the Enter key.
• The field highlights in yellow.
51. Repeat steps 40 through 50 for each tank in the station.
IMPORTANT: Save this data (see step 52).
52. Select Download from the File drop-down menu.
• The green field entitled Status None turns red and
reads Downloading**.
Once complete, the green field entitled Status None
reappears indicating the data has been stored to the
Controller and the computer.
* Use the following formula to convert API gravity to
specific gravity.
** If an error message displays, refer to the chart
entitled Error Messages on Page 16 for details. After the
initial error message, the message Setup Error can appear.
This can take approximately 3 minutes.
Data Tab (Continued)
Measured Height, Low Level, and High Level
IMPORTANT: Fluid must be in the tank for
the Probe to function properly.
53. Enter the height of the fluid currently in the tank.
Also, enter heights for low- and high-level if a warning
on the Bigview Main Window (Status Screen) is desired.
The lowest value the software will read is 0.0001.
If desired, enter a zero (0) to disable the low- and high-
level warnings.
54. Press the Enter key after the completion of each field.
• Each field highlights in yellow.
55. Repeat steps 53 and 54 for each tank in each station.
IMPORTANT: Save this data to the Control-
ler and the computer (see step 56).
56. Select Download from the File drop-down menu.
• The green field entitled Status None turns red and
reads Downloading**.
Once complete, the green field entitled Status None
reappears indicating the data has been stored to the
Controller and the computer.
57. Repeat steps 33 through 56 for each station.
58. Close the Device Setup screen.
• Select the X in the upper right-hand corner or select
Exit from the File drop-down menu.
59. Close the Administrator Window.
• Select the X in the upper right-hand corner.
Specific Gravity =
API g 131.5