4.2.6 Multistage Rundown Evaluation and Reporting
If a rundown cycle completes, or is terminated early while in or after the final audit stage of
the PSet:
The overall evaluation of the rundown will be determined using the torque and angle
limits set in the final audit stage.
The peak torque and angle achieved during the rundown, are used for the
evaluation and reported.
The torque and angle status, and overall result reported, will reflect this evaluation.
The fastening torque must achieve the In-Cycle torque value set in the PSet for the
rundown to be evaluated or reported.
If a rundown is terminated early before reaching the final audit stage:
The overall result of the rundown will be reported as a reject.
The torque and angle evaluation will be determined using the limits set in the stage
that was running when the rundown was terminated.
The torque and angle at the point in time when the rundown was terminated, is used
for the stage evaluation.
The torque and angle status reported will reflect this stage evaluation with the
following exception:
If torque and angle are both within limits of the stage that was running, or if
the stage was a non-audit stage, the torque and angle status will both be
reported as low. This is done to further indicate that the rundown terminated
before reaching the final audit stage.
The peak torque and angle achieved during the rundown will be reported.
The fastening torque must achieve the In-Cycle torque value set in the PSet for the
rundown to be evaluated or reported.
Unfastening Stage special considerations:
Rundown Back-Off multi stage PSet (Unfastening as the last stage)
If the unfasten stage is set to ‘Non Audit’
The peak torque and angle reported from the fastening portion of the
rundown will be used for the evaluation and reported.
If the unfasten stage is set to ‘Audit’:
The final torque and angle in the unfastening direction, at the point in
time when the run cycle completes or is terminated, will be used for
the evaluation and reported.
The final torque and angle will be reported as negative in the
unfastening direction.
If the rundown cycle is terminated before reaching the final
unfastening audit stage, the final torque and angle values will be
reported as zero and the torque and angle status will be reported as
Rundown Back-Off Rundown multi stage PSet (Unfastening as a middle stage)
The value for peak torque in the forward direction, will be reset to zero when
tool begins an unfastening portion of the rundown.
If the rundown is terminated during the unfastening stage, the final torque
and angle values will be reported as zero and the torque and angle status will
be reported as low.