Agriculex Inc.
Tel: 519 837 0871 Fax 519 837 4291
1-59 suburban Ave Guelph Ontario N1E 6B4
1. Introduction to ESC2 Seed Counter
The ESC2 seed counter is a high speed seed counter designed to accurately count at a
speed of up to 100 seeds per second. Greater accuracy can be achieved at a lower speed.
It uses a computerized control unit with conversational programming for easy set up. It is
capable of totalize counting as well as counting batches of various sizes from a seed lot.
The counter consists of 6 units shown in figure 1.0. A feeder unit on the top of the
counter feeds seed into 16 different channels, each with a sensor in it. The counts from all
the sensors are added together. After sensing, the seed must pass a valve referred to as a
main valve, which is controlled by the computer during batch counting. If this valve is
closed, the seed is held in the top container. If it is open, seed flows into the second
container and is stopped by a gate, referred to as the
‘end valve’.
The end valve is opened
by pushing up the slider on top of the discharge chute. In a
‘batch mode’
the closing of
the end valve signals the computer(s) that the last sample has been collected and opens
the main valve. At the end of a batch the main valve closes but the counter continues
counting seeds into it for the next sample. Both the main valve and the end valve must be
open for seeds to flow through the counter.
We have tried to make the operation of the counter as user-friendly as possible, with the
goal that it should be possible to use without even referring to this manual. We would
encourage you to experiment with the control unit before using it. With many things there
are several ways to do them. We have tried to present you with ways to do all the things
that you might want to do at any point in the program. For example; when you set up a
program for each batch counting you will be asked to enter a feed speed. Don’t worry if
you are not sure which speed should be set for counting. Just press the
key to
select the default setting.
The only thing(s) you need to remember about the counter before counting are the
1. Sensitivity
The range of sensitivity is 0 to 10. 10 is the least sensitive and 0 is the most. This number
roughly corresponds to the size of seed (in mm) for which that setting is appropriate. For
example; Canola – the sensitivity can be set from 1 to 1.5. The sensitivity is controlled by
the knob. However, if the setting is unnecessarily sensitive, it increases the possibility
that the counter will count dust, chaff, or electrical noise.
2. Vertical and Horizontal Gate
The feeder unit has two gates that need to be manually and correctly set before counting.
One is referred to
‘Vertical Gate’
placed at the front of the feeder unit and another is
referred to
‘Horizontal Gate’
placed at the right side of feeder unit. The size setting of the
gates depends on the crop size. The purpose is to ensure that the crop is feeding