Agriculex Inc.
Tel: 519 837 0871 Fax 519 837 4291 www.agriculex.guelph.org
1-59 suburban Ave Guelph Ontario N1E 6B4
4. File Format
4.1 Limit and Constraint
Before starting to prepare an
file, the
‘Limit and Constraint’
should be
ID must be set in first column in header row.
The tag of sheet must be esc2.
For Totalize count, the value of Packet No must be set to 0; for Batch count, the
values of Packet_No and No_per_Packet must be greater than 0.
For batch count, the maximum number of batch is less than 200. The maximum
number of Packet_ No in a batch is less than 32000.
The maximum number of No_ per_ packet is less than 32000.
4.2 Standard Prearranged File
Figure 4.2
Note that the first row is the header. The first cell in the header must be an ID.
Comment column can also be used to specify the speed of the turntable for this row
sample, which contains a numeric value in the
column. Only the numeric
value in the cell of this column will be considered as a speed of the turntable