Agriculex Inc.
Tel: 519 837 0871 Fax 519 837 4291 www.agriculex.guelph.org
1-59 suburban Ave Guelph Ontario N1E 6B4
will pop up on the screen as shown at figure 3.5.2. In the Totalize mode only 5 and 6
items are allowed to enter information. After entering information, Click the
button or press ‘Enter’ key, the counter will automatically start to count.
Figure 3.5.2
During the count period, you can click ‘Stop’ or ‘Start’ button on the computer or press
correspond button represents ‘Stop’ or Start at control unit of the counter. After finishing
totalize the count, click the ‘
’ button as shown on figure 3.5.3 in order the program
can record the count number.
Figure 3.5.3
Batch Count
Multiple batch count is available if you choose batch count mode.
Example 1:
2 batches
First batch:
2 packets
100 seeds per packet
Second batch: 5 packets
50 seeds per packet
‘Batch Count Mode’
. If the cursor is not appeared at ID (Variety) textbox, move
mouse over there and click.
123456 is a demonstrating ID