Agriculex Inc.
Tel: 519 837 0871 Fax 519 837 4291 www.agriculex.guelph.org
1-59 suburban Ave Guelph Ontario N1E 6B4
6. Collect data from ESC2
The document is intended to provide customers who have a third party software (is
capable of collecting data from the serial port device) and is able to collect the data from
the seed counter in his/her own application. The data format is only applied on the
Independent Mode’
Output data sequences
6.1.1 Format of the output data
Output data consists of a specific code and desired data. The specific codes
‘End Code’
‘Delimiter Code’
. The End Code consists of two ASCII
‘Line Feed’
‘Carriage Return’
. The Delimiter Code is
. The desired data has some count number and setting number. These
numbers are called
‘data fields’
in the output data.
6.1.2 Totalize mode
The output data in the totalize mode consists of the packet number
the count number and
‘End Code’
. The packet number is designated to zero
in the output data.
The following is the sequence of the output data:
Packet Number
Delimiter Code
Count Number
Line Feed
Carriage Return
(there is no space between specific code and the data)
Hex code mode:
Delimiter Code
End Code
30 2C 32 30 0A 0D
Packet Number (0)
Count Number (20)
Character code mode:
0, 20
Explanation for example 1: this is a totalizing mode since Packet Number is 0,
Count Number is 20. The sign
is delimiter. The Line Feed and Carriage Return
codes are invisible in character code mode. The number of the data field is 2.