Error Messages
GPIB Messages
-223 Too much data
The block, expression, or string data was too long for the
instrument to handle.
-224 Illegal parameter value
One value from a list of possible values was expected. The
parameter received was not found in the list.
-240 Hardware error
Indicates that a command could not be executed due to a hardware
error but the control block cannot be more specific.
-241 Hardware missing
Indicates that a command could not be executed because of missing
instrument hardware.
Device-Specific Errors
These are error messages in the range -300 to -399, or between 1
and 32767. They indicate that an error has been detected that is
specific to the operation of the attenuator.
An device-specific error is signaled by the device-specific error bit
(bit 3) in the event status register.
-300 Device-specific error
This indicates that a device-specific error has occurred. No more
specific information is available.
-310 System error
An instrument system error has occurred.
-311 Memory error
A memory error has been detected.
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