Chapter 2 — Installing the scanner
Chapter 2 — Installing the scanner
This chapter shows you how to set up your DuoScan with your Apple Macintosh or PC. You’ll find
information about:
Minimum Hardware requirements and recommendations
Installation for the Apple Macintosh
Minimum hardware requirements and recommendations
For the Apple Macintosh:
A Power PC processor.
A 13 inch color monitor (24 bit color display recommended).
16 MB of RAM.
A high-capacity disk drive.
The amount of disk space available on your Macintosh determines the number and size of
the images you can scan. Make sure you have enough free storage space on your hard
disk. You need about two times the size of the image to scan, edit and save an image. You
need a minimum of 30 MB free hard disk space and 8 MB of RAM for color images.
System 7.0 operating system or higher.