From that mark measure 1/2” toward the wing
tip and mark the leading edge of the aileron as
shown. This mark will be the center of the
aileron control horn.
Tape the inboard trailing edge of the aileron to
the trailing edge of the wing in the neutral po-
sition. Plug the servo into the receiver and turn
on. Ensure the servo is centered and the servo
arm is parallel to the aileron hinge line. At-
tach front ball link to servo arm. Adjust the
length of the pushrod so that the leading edge
of the control horn is aligned with the leading
edge of the aileron. Center the control horn
over the mark as shown and mark the position
of the control horn mounting holes.
Use a 1/16” bit to drill the control horn mount-
ing holes.
Mount the control horn using six wood screws
as shown.