AEROPRAKT-22LS Pilot Operating Handbook
8.7.3 Rudder and nose wheel control system
Rudder and nose landing gear are controlled using pedals. Rudder is connected to the
pedals in the cockpit with two cables of 2.7 mm (0.11 in) diameter. The pedals are
attached to two shafts (shaft for left pedals 1 and shaft for right pedals 2) hinged to the
lower fuselage beams (Error! Reference source not found.). Each shaft has two arms. One
of the arms is connected with a cable to the rudder control arm 3, the other - with a rod - to
the nose landing gear control arm 4. Rudder control cables are running from the pedals to
the rudder control arms via pulleys 5, 6 installed at frames No. 3 and 4 and fairleads 8, 9
on pilot seat beam and frame 5. Tension of the cables is adjusted using turnbuckles 7
attached to the pedal shaft arms.
In its neutral position the rudder is rotated to the right by the angle of +2°20' for
compensation of the engine torque. The rudder deflection angle is 25±1°.
Fig. 6. Rudder and nose landing gear control system