Innovation Water Heaters Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
AERCO International, Inc.
100 Oritani Dr.
Blauvelt, NY 10913
PRI: 11/22/2013
Phone: 800-526-0288
The required settings for WHM Menu items listed in Table 9-1 will vary depending on the
number of units connected to the Modbus network and required setpoint and operating
conditions to be maintained on the network. Set the menu options in accordance with the
descriptions provided in the sections 9.6.1 through 9.6.10 which follow.
It is recommended that the WHM Menu settings described in the following
sections be performed first at the WHM Master. This will simplify the
number of required entries since most of the settings will be “pushed” to the
appropriate Slaves.
9.6.1 WHM Mode
Set the WHM Mode option to
WHM Master
for the controlling Master. Set the WHM Mode option
to WHM Slave for all other units on the Modbus network.
9.6.2 Comm Address (Located in Setup Menu)
This option, located in the Setup Menu, is the Modbus address for the for the water heater on
the network. To simplify addressing, assign consecutive address numbers 1 through 8.
9.6.3 WHM Setpoint
The default setpoint for the WHM is 130°F. If a different setting is desired, the setpoint can be
varied from 40°F to 240°F.
9.6.4 WHM Nxt On VP
This is the Next On Air/Fuel Valve Position (VP), % open) for the system. The default value for
this option is 75%. When all enabled water heaters have a valve position (VP) greater than this
value, the WHM Master will enable another water heater, if one is available. If a different value
is desired for the system, this menu option can be varied from 16% to 100%. The selected value
must always be greater than the Next Off Valve Position, and there should be a reasonable
spread between the two values.
9.6.5 WHM Nxt Off VP
This is the Next Off Air/Fuel Valve Position (VP), % open) for the system. The default value for
this option is 35%. When all enabled water heaters have a valve position (VP) less than this
value the WHM will disable one of the enabled water heaters. The exception to this rule is if
there is only one water heater currently enabled.
9.6.6 Lead/Lag Hours
The Lead/Lag Hours menu option is basically designed to spread the total number of run hours
accumulated on all units in the system so that each of the units have approximately the same
number of run hours. The default value for this option is 72 hours.
9.6.7 Setback Setpoint
This menu item specifies the setpoint temperature that the WHM system will maintain during
time periods of low DHW demand.