Pizza function
The ‘Pizza’ function is a combination of ‘Pastry’ and ‘Fan Assist Bake’
and offers you the combined benefits of both functions. Heat switches
between the element surrounding the fan and the clean heat element
below the oven floor. The ‘Pizza’ function is ideal for foods that require
cooking and browning on the base. It is for foods such as pizzas,
quiches, meat pies and fruit pies. Simply place the food in the middle of
the oven and set the desired temperature.
Frozen foods
The ‘Frozen foods’ function is ideal for cooking frozen precooked foods
such as savoury pastries, pizzas, mini meals (TV dinners), meat pies and
fruit pies. Heat comes from the element surrounding the fan as well as
elements above the food. Simply place the food in the oven straight from
the freezer and heat. Cook in the upper half of the oven for best results.
Full grill
‘Full grill’ direct radiant heat from two powerful upper elements onto the
food. You can use ‘Full grill’ function for tender cuts of meat, steak, chops,
sausages, fish, cheese toasties and other quick cooking foods.
Grill with the oven door closed.
‘Full grill’ allows you to take full advantage of the large grill dish area.
For best results it is recommended to preheat your grill for three minutes.
This will help seal in the natural juices of steak, chops etc for a better flavour.
Place the grill shelf in position 4 with the grill dish below to catch any spills.
Left grill
The ‘Left grill’ function directs radiant heat from only one of the powerful
upper elements onto the food. The ‘Left grill’ function is used instead of
‘Full grill’ when only half the amount of heat is needed.
Grill with the oven door closed.
Turbo grilling
‘Turbo grilling’ offers you the benefits of both fan assist bake and
traditional grill functions. The grill element turns on and off to maintain
set temperature while the fan circulates the heated oven air. Grill with
the oven door closed. You can use ‘Turbo grilling’ for large cuts of meat,
which gives you a result similar to ‘rotisserie’ cooked meat. Put your food
on a shelf in the second lowest shelf position. Put the grill dish on the
lowest shelf position to catch any spills. When using ‘Turbo grilling’ it is
not necessary to turn the foo over during theh cooking cycle.
Use this function to prepare bread and bread rolls with a very good
professional-like result in terms of crispiness, colour and crust gloss.
Symbol Function description