Quad-rotor Aircraft System
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Execute Auto Fly Missions with the Ground Station
An auto fly mission can be executed according to the following steps:
Start the ground station GS software
Connect serial port and send joystick data
Power up the aircraft to receive satellite signals
Edit the flight mission
Complete mission editing
Upload the flight mission to the aircraft
Download the flight mission for verification
Start up the aircraft
Perform auto take-off or manual take-off
Perform “Auto Fly” or “Fly To” to a designated
Go home / abort mission and go home
1 Start the Ground Station GS Software (Hereinafter Referred to as the “Ground
Station Software”), and Select the Map Type.
Please make sure maps have been downloaded before starting the ground station software. Double-click to
open the ground station software, and the system will ask you to select a map type. Select the desired map type
and click “OK”, and maps will be loaded automatically.
You can continue to edit a completed
mission, and then click “Finish Editing”.
The waypoint can be edited midway
for continued flight