Quad-rotor Aircraft System
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Photo Shooting Settings
1) Image resolution of photo shooting
3.0M (2048
1536 4:3)
5.0M (2592
1944 4:3)
8.0M (3200
2400 4:3)
2) Selection of Shot Mode:
Single shot: In the one shot mode, the system will take one photo when “Shutter” is pressed once.
Continuous capture (three): In this mode, the system will take three photos continuously when “Shutter” is
pressed once.
3) Automatic continuous shooting mode
The time interval of automatic continuous shooting can be set as “OFF”, “1S”, “3S”, “5S” and “20s”. When
“Shutter” is pressed, the system will take one photo at each time interval until “Shutter” is pressed again to cancel
continuous shooting.
Notice: The continuous capture (three) mode and the automatic continuous shooting mode cannot be
enabled simultaneously.