Adria Caravans
Whenever using the toilet:
Every time you place the Thetford Cassette into service, perform all preparations
according to the separate manufacturer's operating instructions.
Before using the Thetford toilet for the first time, fill the water tank with fresh water
(Chapter 12.1.1) or fill the separate water tank (only with Thetford toilet C-402 C, Chap-
ter 16.1.2).
Cover the bottom of the cassette with water and fill in environment-friendly and biode-
gradable toilet chemicals. Observe the manufacturer's instructions for the dosage. For
environmental reasons, the toilet can also be used without chemical additives, however,
this requires more frequent emptying of the cassette (Chapter 16.2).
Damage to the environment
Use an environment-friendly and biodegradable chemical toilet additive for the toilet.
– The ventilation will remove merely the odour but not germs and gases. Germs and
gases can have a detrimental effect on the rubber seals.
Material breakage
Do not sit on the toilet lid.
– The lid is not designed to bear the weight of a person and could break.
Do not leave water in the bowl when the toilet is not used. This does not prevent
unpleasant odours but could cause flooding.
Use quick dissolving toilet tissue in order not to affect the mechanical components of the