User Guide
Before opening the dialog box, use the Initialize command to specify which list Director uses as the source of defini-
tions for the overall dialog box. The following are the overall dialog box properties and their possible values:
These statements set up a list of overall dialog box properties.
The first statement creates an instance of the MUI Xtra and assigns it to the variable theBox.
The second statement assigns a list of predefined values to the variable aWindowPropList.
The next three statements modify the name, callback, and width properties that were obtained from the GetWin-
dowPropList function.
The last statement displays the modified list in the Message window. The result appears at the end of the example.
set theBox = new(xtra "mui")
set aWindowPropList = GetWindowPropList(theBox)
set the name of aWindowPropList = "General Settings"
set the callback of aWindowPropList = "otherCallback"
set the width of aWindowPropList = 200
put aWindowPropList
-- [#type: #normal, #name: "General Settings", #callback: "otherCallback", #mode: #data,
#xPosition: 100, #yPosition: 120, #width: 200, #height: 210, #modal: 1, #toolTips: 0,
#closeBox: 1, #canZoom: 0]
Specifying dialog box content
To specify the content of a general purpose dialog box, create a linear list of definitions for each component of the
dialog box. Each definition is a property list that defines one component. Components appear in the order that they
are listed.
Some components define the structure of the dialog box, such as the beginning and end of the window and the start
and end of horizontal and vertical sets of components. When constructing the dialog box, you must use this overall
framework of components:
Property Possible
#alert, #normal, #palette
String that contains the window name. Use "" for no name.
Handler that processes the result of the callback. See Sending dialog box events to Director for more information.
#data, #dialogUnit, or #pixel. These set the way that Director lays out the dialog box.
Number of pixels that upper left corner of the dialog box appears from the left of the screen. Specify -1 to have the
dialog box appear in the center.
Number of pixels that the top of the dialog box appears from the top of the screen. Specify -1 to have the dialog box
appear in the center.
Width of the window in pixels. Specify 0 to have the dialog box set its width automatically.
Height of the window in pixels. Specify 0 to have the dialog box set its height automatically.
TRUE or FALSE. Sets whether the dialog box is modal.
TRUE or FALSE. Sets whether to use tooltips initially. (This is not supported in Version 1.0 of the MUI Xtra. It is reserved
for future use.)
TRUE or FALSE. Specifies whether the dialog box has a close box.
TRUE or FALSE. Specifies whether the dialog box can zoom.