Emit Flatness: Uses the currently chosen flattener setting.
Emit PS Form Objects: Generates PostScript form objects for Form XObjects within
the PDF file. This option may reduce the overall size of the print job, but it will
increase the printer memory required. Form XObjects are used to create a single
description for complex objects, such as background objects, that can appear many
times in a single document.
Discolored Background Correction: Addresses severe discoloration issues that might
occur during printing, such as white backgrounds printing as yellow.
5. Click OK to exit the PostScript Options dialog box. Then click Print in the main Print
dialog box.
Creating a PostScript File
Acrobat 9 Pro can convert a document to a PostScript file, which can include full Document
Structuring Conventions (DSC) comments or not, depending on how you create the file.
To create a PostScript file for imposition or other print processes, you can attain better results
by using the Save As command. Choose PostScript from the Save As Type (Windows) or Format
(Mac OS) menu. You can include full DSC comments and other advanced information, includ-
ing device dependency, font inclusion, comments, and language level. For more information, see
“Converting to PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)” in Complete Acrobat 9 Pro Help.
In Windows only, you can print a PostScript file from Acrobat through the Print dialog box by
selecting the Print To File option. Acrobat creates a device-dependent PostScript file, which may
not fully meet DSC conventions. It is recommended that you use the Save As command to create
a PostScript file for compatibility with more devices and workflow systems.
To create device-independent PostScript files from Acrobat, you must save as PostScript or
EPS format. To create PostScript Level 1, save as EPS.
Working with Asian fonts
Select Download Asian Fonts in the Advanced Print Setup dialog box if you want to print a PDF
document with Asian fonts, but the fonts are not installed on the printer or embedded in the
document. (Embedded fonts are downloaded whether or not this option is selected.) You can use
this option with a PostScript Level 2 or later printer. To make Asian fonts available for down-
loading to a printer, make sure that you have downloaded the fonts to your computer using the
Custom or Complete option during installation of Acrobat.
If Download Asian Fonts is not selected, the PDF document prints correctly only if the refer-
enced fonts are installed on the printer or embedded in the document. If the printer has similar
fonts, it substitutes those. If there are no suitable fonts on the printer, it prints text in Courier.
If Download Asian Fonts does not produce the results you want, print the PDF document as a
bitmap image. Printing a document as an image may take longer than using a substituted printer
Some fonts cannot be downloaded to a printer, either because the font is a bitmap or because
font embedding is restricted in that document. In these cases, the printer substitutes the font, and
the printed output may not match the screen display.
Printing documents with layers
Many documents include layers, which provide flexibility by separating content. For example,
graphics may be on one layer and text on another. A multilanguage file may contain separate
layers for the text for each language. You can export layers that are created in Illustrator CS4 and
InDesign CS4 into a PDF 1.5 and later file.
Acrobat 9 Pro can show, hide, and print layers that were created in the original application. You
can rename and merge layers in Acrobat, change the properties of layers, and add actions to
layers through the Options menu on the Layers tab. Layers are supported in PDF 1.5 and later.
Typically, if a layer is visible, it prints.