Section 3. Programming
installation where descriptors have already been programmed, check to be
sure that those descriptors can be annunciated by the 4286. Refer to table
3-1. Re-program zone descriptors if necessary.
Some controls offer a quick method for programming zone descriptor words.
This method simply requires that you press # followed by the index number
that has been assigned to each descriptor.
Since the index number that has been assigned to each word may vary from
one control to another, Table 3-1 lists only the words that shall be selected as
zone descriptors when using the 4286 VIP Module. The index numbers for
the words that you have selected should be obtained from the installation in-
structions for the control being used. The control's instructions will list all
words (with their index numbers) available as alpha zone descriptors, among
which will be those listed in Table 3-2.
Systems with Alpha Keypads
When using the 4286 VIP Module: Select zone descriptors for Alpha key-
pad displays from those words listed in Table 3-1 on page 3-6.
The words listed in Table 3-1 are those that are available in the 4286 VIP
Module's own vocabulary and match many of the control panel's alpha words.
By selecting these words for zone descriptions wherever possible, the words
displayed on an Alpha keypad will match those annunciated by the 4286 VIP
Module. If the words programmed into the system for zone descriptors are
not in the 4286 VIP Module's vocabulary (Table 3-1), the 4286 will annunciate
the zone numbers only.
Plurals of words (adding an “s”) may be added to words in some controls when
programming descriptors, but these cannot be annunciated by the 4286 VIP
Module as zone descriptors.
Systems Using Only Fixed-Word Keypads
Normally, systems with only fixed-word keypads do not require programming
of zone descriptors. However, when a 4286 VIP Module is used, descriptors
must be programmed, either via downloading or, alternatively, by connecting
an Alpha keypad temporarily. If this is not done, the 4286 VIP Module will
be unable to annunciate a description of the zone(s) in alarm, trouble, etc.
(the 4286 VIP Module will annunciate zone numbers only).