Section 3. Programming
Field 00: Monitored Keypad Address
This field enables or disables the 4500 thermostat AND speaker output fea-
tures and selects which keypad to monitor.
In a system that uses addressable keypads:
Select the keypad whose status the 4286 will monitor to control the 4500
thermostat and/or trigger speaker messages, and set its device address
(01 to 31) in this field. The selected keypad should be assigned to the
partition where the 4500 thermostat and/or speaker are to be located.
Do not select 04, which is the address of the 4286 VIP Module.
In a system that uses non-addressable keypads:
Set the monitored address to 31 for this field.
In a system that contains no thermostats or speakers:
If there are no 4500 thermostats AND no speaker connected to the 4286,
set this field to 00 [default].
In a system that contains a 4500 Thermostat but no speaker:
Select the keypad whose status the 4286 will monitor to control the 4500
thermostat and set its device address (01 to 31) in this field. The selected
keypad should be assigned to the partition where the 4500 thermostat is
to be located. With no speaker connected, the speaker option must still be
disabled. After exiting the 4286 programming mode, use the # 97 speaker
control menu of the 4286 and choose the “MUTE” menu selection. Refer
to “Programming Speaker Output Mode” on page 3-9 for more detail.
Field 01: Phone Panic Address
The 4286 will trigger a panic alarm by sending a panic key sequence to the
control panel when a phone panic key sequence is entered on a Touch tone
phone keypad. Refer to the “Basic Operating Guide” in this manual for de-
To disable the phone panic feature enter 00 [default] Otherwise:
In a system that uses addressable keypads:
Select an unused device address (01-31) to be used to send phone
panics to the control panel. Assign this address to a keypad through
the control panel’s #93 device programming mode (although a physi-
cal keypad will not actually be connected). Do not select 04, which is
the address of the 4286 VIP Module.