2) The name cannot be the same as the existing task.
3) The characters of the input test name cannot exceed 13 spaces.
Output signal: According to the current range of the UUT.
1) Given: 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.6%.
2) Custom *X.XX%: When the custom range is selected, press F2, and the field can be edited to the desired
accuracy from (0.01 to 100)%FS.
Calibration points.
1) The range is 2~17.
2) Scale will default to linear steps over the chosen range of the UUT.
3) Each test point can be edited individually.
Range of UUT.
1) Cannot exceed the measure the range of the calibrator.
2) The high and low limit cannot be equal.
Cycles: 1~3.
3. Run
Input the information before running including the date (the default is the system date), the ambient temperature (the
default is 25
and the range is 0~50
) and the relative humidity (the default is 40%RH and the range is
Pressure Source: Internal Pressure or Pressure Module.
Select the run mode.
1) Automatic: Set the wait time and delay time, and their ranges are both 0~3600. When the pressure is stable, the
wait time will count down to zero, then the task will continue to the next set point. When the run direction is ready